Control Your Sharonville Home’s Comfort with a Whole-Home Humidifier System

Your health can be affected when humidity levels are outside comfortable ranges in your Sharonville home.

Low humidity levels can make your house come across as cooler than it really is. And at the other end of the humidity spectrum, particularly dry air can make your skin, lips and sinuses feel chapped. In some cases it can make you more vulnerable to getting sick. Excess humidity can even affect your home, leading to water damage and mold growth.

A whole-home humidifier or dehumidifier from Knochelmann Service Experts is the most practical method of restoring comfort and improving air quality at home.

Our Experts can help you discover the right energy-efficient product for your home. And we’ll support it with a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee for a year.*

Woman with a sore throat

12 Signs Your Home’s Humidity Level Is Off

The standard setting for indoor humidity is between 40–60 percent. You can measure it with a smart thermostat or digital humidity equipment. If you don’t own these devices, there are several clues your home’s humidity level is outside a comfortable range:

Humidity Is Too Low

  1. Repeated bloody noses
  2. Split lips
  3. Itchy skin, eyes or throat
  4. Lingering cold or flu symptoms
  5. Damage to wood flooring or furniture
  6. Excessive static electricity

Humidity Is Too High

  1. Mold growth
  2. Windows with condensation
  3. Stale odors
  4. Water damage or stains
  5. Decaying wood
  6. Worsened allergy symptoms

How a Whole-Home Humidifier or Dehumidifier Works

We add a whole-home dehumidifier or humidifier as part of your HVAC system and network of air ducts. It regulates humidity as your furnace, heat pump or air conditioner works.

The humidifier utilizes a pad and rotating drum or steaming system to help with moisture levels. It starts by drawing water from an external source, such as a tap or a reservoir, and then vaporizing it into the air. As the water vapor rises, it adds more moisture to the house’s atmosphere. The amount of moisture floating around is supervised by a humidity alarm to allow you to adjust the level of humidity in your home to the percentage you desire. The humidity sensor also helps the humidifier understand when it has to turn off after the desired level has been reached.

Meanwhile, a dehumidifier reverses this process and draws in wet air. It utilizes a fan to force this air over refrigerated evaporator coils, which cools it down. This turns. The dehumidifier then shifts the extra moisture into a pan or drain. For most whole-home systems, this moisture is drained out and away from the home.

Both systems are more efficient than their portable counterparts, which can only handle one room at a time. A whole-home system also requires much less service than a lightweight dehumidifier or humidifier.

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