A tankless water heater, also known as an on-demand water heater, is a small system that heats water only when you need it. Instead of constantly holding a supply of hot water in a big tank, a tankless unit heats water instantly to the right temperature when requested. This innovative water... Continue reading
Water HeatersYour residential air conditioning system relies on refrigerant, a chemical that allows the system to cool your home. While an AC system’s refrigerant supply is self-contained, leaks do occasionally develop. If you’ve recently attempted to service or even tune-up your air conditioner, you might... Continue reading
Looking to upgrade your air filters? You can breathe easy with help from Service Experts Heating, Air Conditioning & Plumbing, your resident HVAC professional in the U.S.. While there are a variety of types of air filters to choose from, installing electrostatic air filters is a great way to... Continue reading
Things can get warm fast when your air conditioner won’t turn on in the U.S.. Thankfully, Service Experts Heating, Air Conditioning & Plumbing is here to help you remain cool, even when your AC isn’t running properly. Here are eight potential reasons why your air conditioner... Continue reading
An air conditioner (AC) keeps your house cool and comfortable by pulling heat and humidity from the air. As the AC extracts humidity from the air, it creates condensate, or water, in your furnace or air handler. This water is normally kept in a drain pan and sent through piping into your home’s... Continue reading
As we begin enjoying warmer temperatures, our A/C units work harder than ever to keep us comfy. Unfortunately, the more HVAC systems cool, the sooner they’ll require repair or replacement as machinery gets fatigued from routine cooling. And just as the demand for repairs is set to peak around... Continue reading
Whether you add a sunroom, family room or other addition to your house, being comfy in your new area regardless of outdoor temperatures is key. However, they can make a unique challenge for contentment. This is because extending ductwork is costly. And that your heating and cooling system may not... Continue reading
Summer might seem like it’s a long time off away. But before you know it, you’ll be switching from heating to cooling. Soon enough your air conditioner is cooling frequently to maintain comfy temperatures. It’s smart to prep for the additional usage before temperatures heat up. Service... Continue reading
Houses today are constructed with energy efficiency in mind. This includes more insulation and tightly sealed doors and windows to keep heating and cooling expenses down. While this is good for your heating and cooling expenses, it’s not so great for your indoor air quality. Since air has... Continue reading
Indoor air quality is a concern for every home. If you lack adequate air quality products, indoor air is often two to five times more polluted over outdoor air. But with so many air cleaning methods to choose from, how do you learn which one is best for your home and family? Here’s a... Continue reading
The sun produces three types of ultraviolet (UV) light: UVA, UVB and UVC. You are probably most familiar with UVA and UVB rays, which might result in sunburn unless you use a broad-spectrum sunscreen. UVC rays are separate. The sun still emits them, but the earth’s ozone layer takes care of all... Continue reading
Tripped circuit breakers are irritating and stressful, namely if it seems like the furnace is the source. If your breaker trips once and regular operation returns after you reset it, there is no abrupt cause for concern. In this situation, an unrelated power surge is probably the cause. However,... Continue reading
Cozy isn’t usually a word used to talk about a garage. But many homeowners make the most of this location as a workshop for home improvement projects or hobbies including woodworking. Mulling using your garage for a home woodshop? By adding heating and cooling, you’ll have the option use the... Continue reading
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